5 Things you can do to boost your email marketing campaigns

Email marketing campaigns are standard practice in digital marketing, they generate leads, bolster your brand image, and remind users that they signed up for your newsletter or promotional campaigns. There are intricacies to email marketing that not many people are aware of, and most of it boils down to avoiding spam filters. There are ways and means of maximising your email marketing results, and we'll touch on a few in this article, read on!

1. Limit your Call To Actions (CTA)

Calls to Action: How to Create the Best Call to Action for Your Website!

Use just one CTA in your email to condense your click-throughs into one spot. Having too many CTA's not only increases your email spam rating, but it presents the viewer with over choice. If your email is superfluous, a user will move on, since you are overcomplicating the format!

2. Consider the 4 P's of a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy!

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion

You want your recipient to know what you're selling, the price and the place. Why is it worth buying / investing in? Is it remotely supplied? Consider your promotion too! Do you want to redirect your recipients to a website? A blog? A contact form or social media platforms? Thes are all elements of your strategy that you should consider when putting together your strategy!

3. Personalise your emails, encourage the reader to reply

Create Personalised Emails Your Customers Actually “Get”, Want & Read |  Blog | Online Digital Marketing Courses

Personalising your emails, addressing your recipients and encouraging them to reply, creates a sense of rapport between your business and the receivers. A useful feature is to use merge tags in your emails to address the receiver by name in the subject lines, to transform the email from a characterless marketing email, to something that creates a conversation between the business and the viewer.

4. Send Test Emails

Always, ALWAYS send a test email to yourself or a colleague before sending it out to your mailing list. You don't want thousands of people seeing that you've made a typo, an image doesn't load, or the formatting doesn't work!

5. Keep track of your data

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Track your stats! Part of a decent marketing strategy is the ability to measure success and change your approach to maximise results! You can do this with free resources like Google Sheets. If you're using Mail systems such as Mailchimp, they have reports dashboards for you to be able to measure opens, clicks, bounces and unsubscribes.

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9th December

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